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Dorene's BeyondDiets Blog

Entries in dieting (8)


The HCG Diet: 6 things you should know before you...

Dr. Oz's show February 23rd [2011] was on the HCG diet. The HCG diet combines daily shots of a hormone (produced by pregnant women) called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) with extreme calorie restriction. Overall I was very disappointed with Dr. Oz, and the whole segment. I think it left consumers with the impression that the HCG diet, while controversial, is still okay under a doctors "supervision." Here's what you didn't hear on Dr. Oz yesterday:

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10 Reasons Why Record Keeping is Invaluable in Weight Management

  1. Success requires self-management. Record keeping is the basis of this.
  2. It keeps the focus on relevant behaviors, which translates to more success with those behaviors.
  3. You learn calorie and portion information.
  4. You learn the consequences (caloric cost) of various food choices and environments.
  5. You learn where you consistently have trouble (difficult/impossible places to be and not also overeat).
  6. Click to read more ...


Most diet books waste your time on nonsense that won’t—ever—produce results

How many diet books have you read over the years?
Most diet books waste your time on nonsense that won’t—ever—produce results. Every book has its “magic formula,” usually some special combination of protein, fat and carbohydrates that only the author has the secret to. All nonsense. What counts are actions/behaviors that directly impact your weight. In other words, they directly impact your calorie intake or output. I’ll continue on this thread the next few days, introducing you to what I call the “Critical Control Factors” of weight management, what they are and why each is critical.

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