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Dorene's BeyondDiets Blog

Entries in calcium (2)


Does HOW You Lose Weight Really Matter?

How much does HOW you lose weight really matter? Your approach can make a big difference in the amount of lean body mass (muscle and bone mineral density) you lose. Your goal should always be to maintain as much lean body mass as you can (to optimize your metabolic rate and ensure functional strength). Remember, the older you are the more difficult it becomes to build back lost muscle or bone density!

So HOW do you maintain more lean body mass while you lose weight?

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The HCG Diet: 6 things you should know before you...

Dr. Oz's show February 23rd [2011] was on the HCG diet. The HCG diet combines daily shots of a hormone (produced by pregnant women) called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) with extreme calorie restriction. Overall I was very disappointed with Dr. Oz, and the whole segment. I think it left consumers with the impression that the HCG diet, while controversial, is still okay under a doctors "supervision." Here's what you didn't hear on Dr. Oz yesterday:

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