Educators, Dietitians, Nurses, Mental Health & Fitness Professionals
Menu Planning & Recipes

Mandarin Orange Chicken (Trader Joe's)
over Brown Jasmine Rice

Makes about 5 cups

Trader Joe's Mandarin Chicken is a great option for an "emergency meal." I usually keep it on hand for my 17-year old (6' 4" eating machine) for nights we're not eating as a family. He loves it and can afford to eat a lot of it due to 2½ hours of crew practice five nights a week.

We also routinely keep our rice cooker going as my husband uses rice for his lunch most days and our son likes rice for breakfast and snacks. Needless to say we go through a lot of rice; I mostly vary it up between brown and regular jasmine and basmati. Fortunately we're 5-minutes from the best Asian market in the Seattle area (Uwajimaya) with more rice options than I know what to do with!

Cooking directions
: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Bake chicken pieces for 18 to 20-minutes. I heat the sauce packets in a 1 c. glass measuring cup in the microwave. When the chicken is done toss it with the heated sauce in a bowl.

Mandarin Orange Chicken (Serving size: 1 Cup)
calories: 190       protein: 14g            total carbohydrate: 16g     total fat: 7g
sugars: 7g       sodium: 270mg          dietary fiber: 0g                saturated fat: 1.5g

Rice (Serving size: 1 Cup)
calories: 219       protein: 4.5g            total carbohydrate: 46g     total fat: 1.6g
sugars: 0g       sodium: 2mg          dietary fiber: 3.7g                saturated fat: 0g