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Dorene's BeyondDiets Blog


Does HOW You Lose Weight Really Matter?

How much does HOW you lose weight really matter? Your approach can make a big difference in the amount of lean body mass (muscle and bone mineral density) you lose. Your goal should always be to maintain as much lean body mass as you can (to optimize your metabolic rate and ensure functional strength). Remember, the older you are the more difficult it becomes to build back lost muscle or bone density!

So HOW do you maintain more lean body mass while you lose weight?

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HCG Diet faces FDA Action

The "HCG Diet" fad has been going strong for over a year and I last wrote about it back in February. Now the FDA is going after the over-the-counter homeopathic HCG products on two grounds: 1) False and misleading claims, and 2) the products are being marketed as "drugs" while NOT having been approved by the FDA. While I'm glad to see FDA take action on the homeopathic HCG products, I wish they could do more.

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Coconut Cherry Almond Energy Bars - Yum!

While generally I've never been a fan of energy or snack bars, they can serve a valid purpose as a healthy energy-packed snack. That said, the most popular brands (in my opinion) cost an arm and a leg! What's more I've never tasted one that (again, in my opinion) tasted really great.

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Can you Become Obese by Eating Just an Extra Bite of Food per Day?

Jane Brody (veteran food columnist for the New York Times) recently reported, “According to researchers is easy to gain weight unwittingly from a very small imbalance in the number of calories consumed over calories used.” Brody continues, “Just 10 extra calories a day is all it takes to raise the body weight of the average person by 20-pounds in 30 years, the authors wrote.

What do you think Ms. Brody meant in the preceding statement?

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Weight Loss Math Uproar: Sorting it out!

An article recently published in the medical journal Lancet,[i] authored by Kevin Hall PhD, a biophysicist at the National Institutes of Health set off some erroneous news coverage on the effect of calorie-restriction on weight loss.

Since there is too much misinformation from the “reporting” on this research paper to try to set straight in a single blog, I’m going to devote my next few blogs to clearing up one piece of confusion at a time.

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